The Freedom Stories feature documentary is almost complete. The pictures have been graded at DPP Studios in South Melbourne for high quality projection and broadcast, our composer Brett Aplin has written a terrific score and all that remains is to finish the sound mix in 5.1 surround sound at Soundwaves in South Melbourne.

We would like to thank all those facilities and people involved in post-production who have given us great deals to ensure that Freedom Stories is completed to the highest possible standard. We had hoped to finish by Christmas but haven’t quite made it… so the final touches will be added in the New Year.

More News:  We have also started editing a series of 15′ – 20′ profile films on those participants whose stories we felt we couldn’t do justice to in the feature doc, or who we just couldn’t squeeze into the time available. We are hoping, time and funding permitting, that we will have the series available around the same time as the feature.

Best wishes to everyone for 2015, thanks for your support and stay tuned for further information about the release of Freedom Stories!

Grading Session in Progress at DPP
DPP Senior Colourist Brett Manson working on Freedom Stories