Freedom Stories Feature Doco to Screen on Community TV
Despite wide acclaim, hundreds of community screenings and popular demand, neither ABC nor SBS have seen fit to screen Freedom Stories on national television. However we are very happy that a number of Community Television stations are participating in screenings very soon. Melbourne, Geelong, Adelaide and Perth audiences will have the opportunity to watch the Freedom Stories feature documentary in its entirety on their local community free-to-air station in early December.
Air Dates:
Melbourne & Geelong Ch 31 Sunday 4th December at 7.30pm
Perth Ch 44 Saturday 3rd December at 10.30pm
Adelaide Ch 44 Saturday 10th December at 8.30pm
You can read the media release HERE.
Freedom Stories Short Documentaries – Amin’s Story
Only Sunday Off (Amin’s Story) is the first of our series of 6 stand alone shorts to be made available on our website. Periodically we will update this page with another of the shorts. These shorts are also available on the Freedom Stories DVD.
Amin fled Afghanistan as a young man and was saved from drowning on the way to Australia by the container ship, the Tampa. Following a political standoff with the Australian Government, Amin then spent more than two years in detention on Nauru with the other 400 survivors. Today Amin lives in Melbourne and supports his family here and overseas by working as a tow-truck driver, part of a new industry salvaging car parts for export to the Middle East.
Watch Amin’s Story on the website under shorts.
Teaching Resources Expo

On November 17th Steve Thomas attended the Resources for Teaching about Refugees Expo organised by The Bayside Refugee Advocacy and Support Association at the Hampton Uniting Church. The event was designed to show the range of resources that are available for teaching senior school students about refugee issues. Jenn Clark from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre was also there to offer advice to teachers. Freedom Stories was one of the Four Australian films available for preview along with Mary Meets Mohammad, Cast From the Storm and Chasing Asylum.
One teacher expressed the feedback that there is a “pressing need for teachers to be educated about the refugees that are coming into their schools.” Organiser, Geraldine Moore explained that she wanted to bridge the gap between “producers of great films and study guides, and the teachers who haven’t yet discovered them.” She commented, “I think our event fitted this niche.” We think this was a fabulous idea and hope other groups might replicate it in their areas.
The Freedom Stories Study Guide, written by Katy Marriner is a free teaching resource for secondary teachers and can be downloaded here. It covers the feature documentary and six extra short films all of which are on the DVD, now available.
DVD available for Christmas
Freedom Stories on DVD would make a great Christmas present. Consider buying a copy or two to give to your family, friends or colleagues. It is available in our online shop for $34.95.
Why Not Host a Fan-force Screening at Your Local Cinema in the New Year?
Fanforce is a cinema-on-demand service that will do all the organising for you if you request a screening in your area. They will negotiate with your local cinema, sell the tickets, provide the digital print etc. All you have to do is guarantee to drum up a minimum audience for starters. Once the tipping point in ticket sales is passed the screening will go ahead. You can also look at the possibilities for a Q and A with Steve Thomas afterwards, in person or via Skype. Harmony Day, March 21st 2017, would make a great screening day for our film. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating Australia’s cultural diversity and belonging.
Our best wishes for 2017,
Steve, Lisa and Catherine